
Wednesday, April 19, 2017

The greatest healing therapy is friendship and love. ∼ Hubert H. Humphrey

I guess you've already heard about this saying at least once. If you didn't that's not the end of the world  because this means that I'm the one who has the honor to tell you.
I do not really know when and why Hubert H. Humphrey said this but I guess it was during some speech or an interview. What I think he meant with this is that our harts need love and friendship to deal with life. EVEN IF LIFE CAN BE DIFFICULT, LOVE AND FRIENDSHIP MAKE IT EASIER. Friendship is like one of the most important things in life, right in front of love. Why do I prefer friendship to love? For this simple reason: I've had had bad experiences with love.  But that doesn't mean I don't believe in true love though. I think that many people who are alone for their entire lives die early. 
A heart can kind of be compared to a candle. If your heart would be a candle, love would be its fuel. Without love it would slowly freeze until it gets too cold for the fire to continue burning. With enough love comes enough fuel to live a nice and active happy life. Once again, my only advice to you is to love and be loved by friends and family. To learn and teach from friends, family and experience of life.
So, my final conclusion about this saying is that every mental situation you got yourself in can be solved with the help of love and friendship.

Saturday, April 15, 2017

In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on. ∼ Robert Frost

Live in the present and the future.

I mean, what is so important in the past that you should live in it? Only learning from it is what you can do. Making a mistake is not bad, only if you don't learn from it, a mistake can be called bad. Everyone makes a mistake, it's unavoidable. Mistakes are made by decisions and decisions are made by one's knowledge. The one who will never make a mistake in his life, should be called a god, the one's who make mistakes and learn from it are reality. And if I would go further, the one's who do not learn from their mistakes are simply stupid.
Live in the present and carefully write your future by making decisions over and over again. Every time a bit better thanks to the knowledge you have acquired with every mistake. I really do believe that if you cherish your environment and try to make every decision a better one, your life will be like heaven.
Since I really do like this subject and think it is important, this is the second time I write about it. Read in this post here: It is no use crying over spilt milk.

Thursday, April 6, 2017

It is no use crying over spilt milk.

Decisions write the future.

This saying makes me think of a teacher I had in 2013-14. She was the ugliest, meanest and most disrespectful woman I had ever seen. She was like the bad side of nanny McFee. She did not care about moralities or respect or children. All she cared about was to make children's life a hell, the money and the days off. She used to say this saying a lot, more than was needed.

To me, this saying means that you can't undo a decision you've made or an action you took. You can solve it by making other decisions or actions but you can't go back in time to make another decision, like you're in a game. Once you killed somebody, you can't turn him bak alive. That would be awesome though. So, think about the decisions you've made and the actions you've done and learn from them, that's all you can do really. This is one of the golden rules of life. Never, never, ignore the advice of someone but take it and think about it before you make your decision. This will definitely make life a bit more complex but that effort will be rewarded.

PS: sorry for the delay of this post.