In this blog I will be posting a saying every week and I will give my taughts and first impressions about the saying.
Wednesday, April 19, 2017
The greatest healing therapy is friendship and love. ∼ Hubert H. Humphrey
Saturday, April 15, 2017
In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on. ∼ Robert Frost
Live in the present and the future.
Thursday, April 6, 2017
It is no use crying over spilt milk.
Decisions write the future.
This saying makes me think of a teacher I had in 2013-14. She was the ugliest, meanest and most disrespectful woman I had ever seen. She was like the bad side of nanny McFee. She did not care about moralities or respect or children. All she cared about was to make children's life a hell, the money and the days off. She used to say this saying a lot, more than was needed.
To me, this saying means that you can't undo a decision you've made or an action you took. You can solve it by making other decisions or actions but you can't go back in time to make another decision, like you're in a game. Once you killed somebody, you can't turn him bak alive. That would be awesome though. So, think about the decisions you've made and the actions you've done and learn from them, that's all you can do really. This is one of the golden rules of life. Never, never, ignore the advice of someone but take it and think about it before you make your decision. This will definitely make life a bit more complex but that effort will be rewarded.
PS: sorry for the delay of this post.
Wednesday, March 29, 2017
True love will never grow old.
What the world needs now is persistence and less lazyness.
Not even 30 years ago, almost 80% of marriages would survive successfully. Do you know why? Because back then, there were no easy options. Life was difficult but often way more simple then now. I agree, work was harder and community was rude but I don't think it has become so much better. The simple things of life have become so much more complex that it was even possible for Donald Trump to become president. How can it be so difficult to choose between Hillary and Trump. I agree, Hillary is not a good person, but at least she isn't a disaster.
All I hope is that in a nearby future at least 50% of marriages will survive. Adults shall be an example for kids so kids will make a better future. Thanks for reading, hope to see you again. Remember, you can always tell me your thoughts and ideas for next posts.
Saturday, March 25, 2017
Can a person be better than someone else?
Read it and tell me what you think in the comments.
Friday, March 24, 2017
Today's most used saying?
Saturday, March 18, 2017
The first step is the hardest.
The first step is the hardest for me...
I completely agree with this one, since I'm a new blogger all of this is completely new to me and I'm very curious if there will be an audience liking my hard work. There are a lot of bloggers with great tutorials about how to start a blog. They've got a great way of writing and explaining everything to the reader. They are like ninja's for blogs and that's what I want to become. I want to become a blog-ninja. Here are some of them I really like.bloggingbasics
...and for every one else.
So, now about the saying itself.
When I think about this saying I try to get different scenes in my head and control if the saying is true. Well, in this case it's almost always true.
Compare it to pushing a rock, bigger than you, off a mountain.
When you stand at the top, you've got to push that big rock as hard as you can before it finally rolls down on it's own, without any further help. It can be so hard to push that rock that you won't be able to do it alone. This is where friends and family step in to help.
Or compare it to asking a girl out.
When you love a girl, you probably get nervous while talking to her alone. Boys often don't want a friend to be there when asking a girl out because they're afraid that the girl will say no in front of his friend. What if I told you that with a good friend near you, it's much more easier to talk to the girl you love because our friend is with you. Of course you should not take a friend who will laugh while talking to her, take a friend that's willing to help you and supports you at all times. Read the next part for my opinion about friends.
One friend to conquer the world.
Many people do not know what a real friend is, so what I'm going to tell you now is so important that it should never leave your mind and always be in your thoughts.
Just friends:
Dunbar's number
Real close friends: